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Buying or selling can be a big step to take. When you work with TD Mango you become part of the family. We walk with you every step of the way.
Being approachable and supportive is simply part of who we are. 
Principal / Licensee / Director / Migration Agent /
Business Broker
Robert Taylor
Principal / Director /
Business Broker
Ken Dyce
Business Broker/
Senior Consultant
Steve Scotland
T D Mango Business Brokers Pty Ltd was incorporated in January 2011. Prior to T D Mango, our principal, Robert Taylor, had been working in this field for over 20 years. He was originally based in Cairns, FNQ and later in North Sydney with an office in Guangzhou, China.
Robert's network, built over this timeframe and wide ranging geography, is as vast as it is impressive. Based on this long tradition, T D Mango enjoys critical alliances in FNQ, Sydney, Melbourne and China. Our key alliance partner has recently opened a second office in Beijing and work is underway to finalise expansion into Chengdu as well.
As a registered Migration Agent, Robert opens many more buyer pathways into Australian business, rural and commercial sales.
T D Mango has doubled in size in our initial 5 years and plans are underway to further expand in the near term, providing better opportunities for Buyers and Sellers alike.
Ken Dyce joined forces with Rob Taylor to create, open and grow T D Mango. Ken comes from a background in education and was a small business owner for 3 and a half years prior to the genesis of T D Mango.
Ken has lived on the Sunshine Coast since 1989 and has a strong and well connected network. He is a long serving member of the largest BNI network group on the Coast and also meets regularly with a local South African networking group. Ken recently created a alliance with another Buyer agent in NSW that has strong roots in Asia also.
Steve Scotland (Business Broker) brings another dimension to the table. Steve has a wealth and depth of ICT experience. He has owned several of his own businesses and can readily identify with Sellers and their needs and aspirations. He is a specialist with Online businesses and strategies together with Cleaning enterprises. Steve has also bought in another strategic alliance partner, with a strong Canberra, ACT base. This alliance will provide access to an even wider Buyer base for our Sellers.
What We Do
First and foremost, T D Mango brings Buyers and Sellers together to manage and affect business sales.
Why is T D Mango the business broking firm for you to engage?
We do things a little differently. Geography is not a boundary. We have listings from Cairns to Melbourne.
We have sold an Eel Farm north of Cairns, a Pineapple Farm in the Glasshouse Mountains, Cattle properties, small retail, large retail, a Golf Course and have Management Rights, tourist sites and exciting Development sites available across the Eastern Australian Seaboard.
Business Migration
Rob Taylor specialises in business migration opportunities. He has developed a huge network over 27 plus years and has built many key and strategic alliances which opens up vast opportunities for our Sellers.
Ken Dyce has sold businesses to South African, Indian and Chinese buyers and the resultant network continues to grow, based on trust and transparency. 
By working directly with one of the largest companies in China sourcing SIV Visa clients, T D Mango provides great pathways to this strong and growing gateway.
Steve Scotland bring expertise to IT and Online Businesses, Cleaning businesses and general business broking with a very strong and engaged network in the SE Corner of Queensland, ACT and Sydney. 
Our Services
T D Mango lists your business for sale, and promotes your business locally, nationally and globally.
T D Mango, in conjunction with our strategic alliance partners both here in Australia and overseas, will take your business opportunity directly to Buyers.
For suitable businesses, our Chinese partners will present your business directly to Buyers in focused seminars across China. We work with other Australian companies that have additional Buyer databases that can work effectively and seamlessly for our Sellers. We list your business on various proven webpages across Australia. We also promote suitable businesses across our migration network. 
TD Mango has developed a strong relationship with China's premier business sales website - Juwai - and will showcase your business on this key marketing site. 
  • A Listing Details Document to assist in obtaining as much information about your business for optimum marketing, and to complete a Business Sale Contract.
  • A competitive Listing and Advertising Schedule Agreement that outlines where your business will be advertised.
  • REIQ Form 6 Listing Authority Agreement
Once listed, T D Mango will prepare your listing for sale in the marketplace.
Your listing will be placed in the market to promote enquiry for this opportunity. A bespoke business profile will be prepared and be available to buyers, once and only after, they have completed, signed and returned a Confidentiality Agreement.
Further documentation may then be provided to such parties depending on their level of interest and whether they are qualified as genuine potential buyers. Inspections of the business are arranged in conjunction with the Seller. Follow up is subsequently provided to meet the needs of the Buyers and Sellers as required. Draft contracts are prepared for the consideration of the parties and their legal advisors. 
NB: T D Mango Business Brokers Pty Ltd has mutual recognition of its licence in the NSW and Victorian jurisdictions, in addition to Queensland. Operations in NSW as TD Mango Business Brokers (NSW) Pty Ltd and in Victoria as TD Mango Business Brokers Pty Ltd.
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